Sunday, November 13, 2016

it’s not anti-republican, it’s anti-trump

the only other person who could’ve probably incited so much protesting against the election was ted cruz. had john kasich, jeb bush, or marc rubio won, we wouldn’t be where we are now. i’m tired of seeing “get over it” and “chill out” and “stop your whining” from all the trump supporters. a vote for trump was a vote of ignorance for what was at stake.

i am tolerant of intellectual republicans. i was once a republican myself and know that there can be mutual respect and that there can be a productive exchange of ideas. i despised bush, jr for many reasons, but i never felt like i lost my country - even with the illegal war he started. to trump supporters, this was a pissing match. to me, and most others, this was about respect for life (and the environment), our freedom to be who we are, to love whom we want, to accept our differences regardless of religious beliefs, and a chance for us to win fights against hatred, women’s rights and minority rights. this wasn’t a republican vs democrat election. that would’ve been kasich/bush/rubio vs clinton/sanders.

kasich, rubio, and bush would’ve never said, “i could shoot someone and get away with it” and ignite crowds with excitement.

kasich, rubio, and bush would’ve never said, “i can grab any pussy and get away with it” and ignite crowds with excitement.

kasich, rubio, and bush would’ve never said, “‘knock out (anyone who protests us)’” and ignite crowds with excitement.

a republican is not someone who values violence towards others or values racism, but someone who does value violence towards others or who is racist is most likely a republican. 

a republican is not someone who is uneducated but someone who is uneducated is most likely a republican. 

a republican is not someone who is without an understanding of the world at large and our relationship to it, but someone who doesn’t understand the world at large and our relationship to it is most likely a republican.

republican politicians, while i may not agree with most of them, have education and experience to back up their views. they know the chess game. trump had no experience in the political arena, boasted about not knowing how government or foreign policy worked, but still made him captain of a ship he never once even sailed on. i wonder, would trump supporters go to a mechanic for a root canal?

we will be getting a team who will be guided by white, heterosexual, evangelical views. 

this is happening in a land founded by illegal immigrants who were intellectuals with views that government stay out of people’s business and who prided themselves on the notion of separation of church and state.

digest that irony.

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