Wednesday, November 9, 2016

so much hate, so much darkness, so much spite; my heart hurts

in regards to last night's presidential election, i'm scared for my rights as a woman and the future for my children, i'm scared for all my minority friends and their families, i'm scared for all muslims, i'm scared for our environment and Mother Earth, i'm heartbroken that someone who mistreats everyone he comes across, someone who doesn't respect his workers and doesn't pay his workers, someone who believes women are objects to be grabbed and jerked around, someone who doesn't understand how government works and whose followers believe he's going to just "fire" congress, someone who will represent me but spews so much hatred and violence - values i don't have and values i don't teach my children, someone who will flies off the handle on whim, someone with no respect for our country and all the gains, someone who doesn't *care* to understand the ins and outs of our government, or OUR WORLD, or our economy and its tangled web, someone who not once ever cared about anyone else other than himself so as to stroke his bankrupt-ass ego, i'm heartbroken that someone like that will get to call himself President.

this is just the beginning...

From Feminists United on Facebook:

and this from a woman named Ingrid Jackson on Facebook:

i don't want hate and darkness to win. i can't believe it has with lasting consequences for my and my friends' children.

and speaking of children, if you have them, this is an excellent article to read what to tell them about the results of last night's election.

and i leave you with the incredibly insightful blog post from John Pavlovitz about why those of us who wanted Hillary Clinton to win. among other things, it was a race "about our views of people's worth." please read it.

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